Atlantia Features

The Aloe Vera used by Atlantia is “organically grown”, name awarded by the C.R.A.E. This Aloe Vera is one hundred percent organic, not transgenic, and in its cultivation synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides

100% Pure Aloe Vera

image001100% pure Aloe Vera In the manufacturing of our products we use pure Aloe Vera juice extracted directly from the leaves of the plant, not from concentrate. Also, it is cold stabilised: this ensures that the properties of aloe are not altered in the manufacturing process, resulting in a final product 100% natural.

To make our products Atlantia uses pure cold settled Aloe Vera juice. Our juice is stored cold in steel tanks, and from when the juice is made very little time passes until it is packaged. Thus we are preserving all properties and freshness in the final product.

Under no circumstances are concentrated or powdered aloe used to make the products, since the processes the gel is subjected to, to obtain such concentrations and lyophilisations, they eliminate much of the active ingredients naturally present in the plant. Many of the products you find on the market use this type of concentrated or dried aloe powder (lyophilised reconstituted aloe).

Our products are made directly with pure aloe pulp and our manufacturing processes make the aloe maintain their biological characteristics.


Atlantia products contain natural ingredients

image005FREE of Parabens. These chemicals are often used as preservatives in multiple products. Atlantia does NOT use these components in any of its products.

FREE of added water. We use fresh Aloe Vera pulp, to which we have not added water, only the already naturally present in the plant. In no case is aloe powder or concentrate used.

Our Aloe


The Aloe vera used by Atlantia is “organically grown”, name awarded by the C.R.A.E.. This Aloe This Aloe vera is one hundred percent organic, not transgenic, and in its cultivation synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides were not used.


In the manufacturing of our products we use pure Aloe Vera juice extracted directly from the leaves of the plant, not from concentrate. Also, it is cold stabilised: this ensures that the properties of aloe are not altered in the manufacturing process, resulting in a final product 100% natural.


The Canary Islands meet a number of unique conditions to cultivate a high quality Aloe Vera. The archipelago has become the leading European region in cultivation and production of Aloe Vera.



We have designed our containers so that they are easy to use and you can easily get the amount of product that you would like to apply or directly consume. The materials of most containers can be recycled. Please, when you finish using the product, properly deposit containers so they can be recycled.


Atlantia containers have been designed specially so that the product retains all its properties.

  • Avoids air contact.
  • Preserve all Aloe properties.
  • Avoids product oxidation.
  • With doser: more comfort and saving.

Atlantia Products



Parabens are chemical compounds that are used as preservatives in multiple products. Atlantia does not use these components in any of its products.



We have facilities at the forefront of technology. We conduct a rigorous quality control of both our processes and our raw materials, allowing us to obtain a high quality product and with full guarantees.




The Aloe Vera used by Atlantia is “organically grown”, name awarded by the C.R.A.E. This Aloe Vera is one hundred percent organic, not transgenic, and in its cultivation synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides.


Cultivated in ideal conditions

image002Aloe vera requires plenty of sunlight, a warm, dry and windy environment. In contrast, the greatest enemies of Aloe vera are excess water and low temperatures (less than 10 ºC). The climate of the southern part of the Canary Islands fulfill all these conditions: long hours of sunshine throughout the year, stable temperatures, very little rainfall and the constant trade winds.

This exceptional climate, along with the volcanic soil of the islands, very porous and with lots of minerals, makes the archipelago one of the best sites for growing Aloe vera.

These favorable conditions allow the plant to fully develop its potential. Thus, scientific studies have highlighted that aloe grown in the Canary Islands has a higher concentration of active components than grown in other regions.

Canary Aloe has a lot of acemannan or aloverosa (> 2000 mg / l), a type of sugar with multiple beneficial effects.


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